Glenridge Capital – PONZI
A serious effort is underway working with victim investors to assemble a group effort to mount a global criminal investigation and organized recovery exercise.
Contact us IMMEDIATELY If you were a victim of:
Glenridge Capital Grey Mountain Management BSD Options
Lybss Limited
Oracle Stone Ltd
Sky Runway Ltd
Avoid Jake Lewis {AKA: Levis}, David Coleman (DC) Managing Partner BSD OPTIONS & Bruce Summers BSD (VIP) Department. [It is believed all of these people are operating under assumed names to avoid detection]
BSD OPTIONS was HIGHLY sophisticated FRAUDULENT Investment scheme; a typical lawsuit will not return your lost money.
A North American based recovery effort is being organized by an international consortium of expert “Financial Crimes” asset recovery professionals.
If you would like to be included please contact this forum ASAP!!!
BSDOption claims to be a binary options trading brokerage based in Liverpool, England. Additionally, it claims to offer online binary options trading platform.
BSDOption broker warning mentions the official website where the broker operates through. The website is Moreover, reportedly Lybss Ltd. operates the website and company named YDBM Ltd. owns it. BSDOption, operated by Lybss Ltd. and owned by YDBM Ltd. (collectively, the Parties)
How they took Investors Money:
When an investor opens a BSD Options and/or Grey Mountain account he/she will see modest gains in the first few months. These are shown to the investor through “Screen Shots”. The investor would then usually request a withdrawal, sometimes the withdrawal was authorized, mostly the investor was told, “there are open positions which you cannot see” therefore, the withdrawal was not authorized. Over time, the investment would grow on the screen; however, withdrawal requests were not authorized. BSD Options and/or Grey Mountain account executives used a varied array of excuses to delay or deny withdrawals. Eventually, the account would be wiped out and the monies gone. Like a “Ponzi Scheme” money was only paid out when new investors came in.
A company called “Grey Mountain Management,” located at Ulysses House, Foley Street, in Dublin, Ireland. This firm, claims to provide “white label” services for dozens of binary options websites, and named its company directors as Liam Grainger and Ryan Coates. Liam Grainger had been the director of dozens of other companies, including Narect Ltd. and Coral Petroleum Ltd., a company that was recently at the center of a $2 billion dispute among Russian oligarchs, as well as Multisports & Image Management (M.I.M.)
In another independent article this information was confirmed.
“BSD Options is a SCAM!!!! My friends and I just lost 100,000s of dollars. We invested with them, and they took our money and placed losing trades on our accounts and then blocked us from contacting them! When we asked for withdrawals they would always make excuses until we called them out and then they completely cut contact with us”. If your are not certain with whom you have dealt with, “Check your credit cards, if there is a charge from “fbx (bsd options)” or “Grey Mountain management” it’s from them”.
Research into BDS Options and/or Grey Mountain suggests it is a poorly managed trading scam. This is how it works:
- If a client is making more money than the company, then an employee is told to rig the trading platform. Alternatively, an employee would be told not to allow withdrawals for clients. Some trades are real, but the majorities are not. Often, if the client is making money the company will email the employee or the platform provider telling them to rig the platform, eventually all the money is lost into the pockets of the company and it employees. Every binary option company has their own methods but this is generally how it works.
- The owners and account executives always use aliases to protect their identities. Most companies are Israeli based. Binary options companies are specialized and often law firms are not familiar with the business or how to pursue them.A lot of dialog on BSD Options and/or Grey Mountain, as it relates to this scam and their tactics is discussed at the following article provides additional information on these companies
- JOIN the RECOVERY GROUP and lets bring these thieves to justice.
- [email protected]
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